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Reflection: Freedom isn’t Free

By November 11, 2018No Comments

“Freedom isn’t free.” The freedom we enjoy as citizens of the United States of America has been and is defended and protected by the women and men serving in the Armed Forces. Take the time to reflect on the personal effort, sacrifice, and commitment required of each of them to maintain a state of readiness to fulfill the part of the mission for which they were responsible.

Not every serviceperson returned home from the battlefield. Those who made the ultimate sacrifice are deserving of special honor and appreciation.

We must not forget that many of our veterans are facing a myriad of challenges as they strive to transition back into the civilian world. Please take the time to become aware of ways you can give assistance to veterans in need, sharing the love of Jesus in a tangible way to the glory of God.

We may not be able to meet the needs of every veteran or every person in need, for that matter, but we can lift them up to the One who is able. Prayer is powerful; prayer is effective, let us tap into this privilege we have as believers on behalf of those who have given so much for us. Thank you.

Eugene James, Regional Minister