[Ed. note: This is an update to the June 7, 2013 blog post from Regional Minister Eugene James, available on the regional web site.]
This past winter has had a major impact on every endeavor known to humankind in Michigan. There has been carry-over from last year into this year of a huge workload for those in the tree removal business. Needless to say, it has affected efforts to ameliorate conditions in the Crystal Lake forest. Affected, but not halted.
The measured logging effort will resume in the fall. Many diseased trees have been removed, improving the overall health of the forest.
I have said in the past that the Michigan Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is blessed with skilled volunteers who willingly share their gifts consistently to further the ministry of the Region. Bill Drews, a registered arborist who provides leadership for the Crystal Conference Center Forest Management Project, and his wife, Julie, planted approximately seventy 8-12 inch Swamp White Oak “plugs” just up the hill from the cabins. This was done in the open area between the cabins and Morro Road. We thank God for the hard work they did to complete this very important first step in restoring the forest.
Peace and blessings,
Eugene James, Regional Minister