Hi Region!
Ministries Across Generations knows that many churches must start planning for summer during these cold winter months. Relationship building that happens at camp, during mission trips, and educational opportunities is key in helping young people remain faithful for life.
Last summer my little church was invited to an entire church mission trip (Be the Neighbor). The youngest person was 9 and the oldest was late sixties with everything else in between. Studies continue to show that a kid remains faithful when they have lots of adults who are authentic parts of their faith journey. As shower kits are put together, cookies are baked to share with those experiencing homelessness, and the last Doritos are fought over; it isn’t really about what we do, but with whom we are experiencing God.
Whatever your summer experience needs may be; intergenerational; outdoor; disaster response; social justice; VBS; overnight; youth; families; educational; and/or a combination, we have some great ministry connections to let the Spirit lead your journey.
Check out some summer options and opportunities! https://www.docfamiliesandchildren.org/summer-programs
Hope to see you at General Assembly!