By now most of us have been made aware of the massive amount of human suffering and destruction caused by the huge tornado that swept through the Moore, Oklahoma area. Television let us see and almost feel what those persons affected directly by the storm were experiencing as they searched for loved ones, hugged children found that had been missing, embraced each other upon receiving the news that a loved one had not survived, stood in shocked disbelief looking at the vacant spot where their home once stood. People of good will, fellow Christians want to do whatever possible to help.
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Week of Compassion, under the inspired leadership of Rev. Amy Gopp, has already taken action in response to this tragedy. I encourage the congregations of the Michigan Region to receive a special offering for our sisters and brothers in Oklahoma and send those funds to Week of Compassion. Go to the website for more details,
There are other organizations that are providing assistance, but Week of Compassion is our ministry as Disciples and should be a priority to receive all the support we can give. Rev. Dean Phelps, Interim Regional Minister of the Christian Church in Oklahoma, informed us that Rev. Gopp made contact with him Monday, the day of the storm, to advise him that Week of Compassion was mobilizing resources immediately to provide assistance to Disciples congregations affected.
Please remember Rev. Phelps, the people of Oklahoma, and those who are providing assistance and protection when you pray. Thank you in advance for you generous support. God bless you.
Eugene James, Regional Minister